Building a sturdy and future-proof digital vault with Izimi

Digital Business Strategy
Software Engineering
Digital Product Design

Izimi, a secure and centralised platform for all your important documents, launched the Belgian notarial scene into the digital era. Their product, however, experienced some technical teething problems in its first days. Dedicated to finding a solution, Izimi asked us to take a closer look at these problems and tweak their app & web platform into a sturdy digital product.

The challenge

Finding & fixing flaws in Izimi’s new app


Revamping the front-end of the platform in a record time


Fixing priorities first while building foundations for the future


Delivering a completely redesigned and robust app & web platform

01 — Challenge

Getting the Izimi app live

First things first. What’s Izimi exactly? Izimi is a digital vault that offers secure, centralised and user-friendly storage of important documents. Documents that you can easily share with your notary and other third parties. The new app & web platform of Izimi were brought to life by Fednot to transfer an old-school archive world into the digital era. The right step to take, but one that came with a few bumps down the road.

02 — Solution

(Re)Building a sturdy digital product

Fixing crucial things first

Fednot’s priority was clear as day: getting Izimi’s app live in the stores as quickly as possible. Almost immediately, our team started auditing the current app and picking out the main issues. In a matter of weeks, the combined forces of Fednot and In The Pocket managed to identify and fix the main technical bugs, allowing Izimi to launch successfully in the stores once again.

But we didn’t stop there. In the following month, the team took on the challenge to redesign the complete front-end of the app, increasing Izimi’s user experience to delightful levels. What started out from a concept sheet, ended up in a grand redesign of the app. The previously grey-toned screens came to life by adding more colour, more people & more illustrations. Closer to Izimi’s brand and closer to its customers.

Building a better product

We never settle, it’s never done. Once the app was live again, we continued our collaboration to lift Izimi’s platform to even higher levels. Based on user feedback, we’ve installed feedback loops and, to this day, are continuously tinkering with the usability & all-round experience of both the notarial and citizen side of Izimi’s app & web platform.

But more importantly, the fruits of our collaboration gave us the trust and space to think about the strategic choices that will put Izimi on the map for many more years to come. 

Leveraging our expertise in user research, service and business design, we helped Fednot management to ‘Plant the Flag’ for Izimi, and define a roadmap to transform its value proposition from ‘nice to have’ to ‘need to have’ for both citizens and notaries.

03 — Approach

Building a strategic long-term vision

In order to achieve this, we stepped out of Product Delivery-mode, in which we focus on building things right, and moved to Product Discovery-mode, in which we focus on ‘building the right thing’.

Our Product Discovery approach is based on the Design Thinking methodology and consists of a set of tools used to move from business requirements and solution ideas to compelling value propositions that address user needs, contribute to business objectives and are technical sound.

We started the track with a review of available user research insights and an ecosystem mapping exercise, which helped to create a shared understanding of the ecosystem in which Izimi operates. Moreover, we worked on ensuring Fednot stakeholders were aligned on what success looks like for Izimi from a Fednot perspective. Interviews with notaries and their teams helped us gain insights in their needs.

Next, we worked with Fednot stakeholders to craft a shared vision for Izimi and express overall product goals and aspirations. Examples of topics we tackled are: ‘Which notary and citizen needs do we want to address with Izimi in the shorter and longer-term?’, ‘How could we boost adoption of the platform, and ‘spin the flywheel’? Through visiontyping, we made this long-term vision for Izimi more tangible.

The outcome of this strategy track was used to evaluate Izimi’s product roadmap, add new roadmap items and re-prioritise existing roadmap items in line with the fine-tuned vision.

04 — Outcome

Leading digital platform for notaries and citizens

In the end, we managed to eliminate the flaws of Izimi’s old digital vault and deliver a functional and user-friendly app in a record time. After that, we found common ground to incrementally improve Izimi’s platform, both on the app- and web side, to deliver a best-in-class experience for notaries & citizens.

Together with the people behind Izimi, we’re nudging the paper-heavy notarial scene into the digital future. A shift in the right direction.

Build the right thing. And build it right.

Have a chat with one of our colleagues to discover how we can leverage the full potential of your digital product.

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