Improve the digital experience for the customers of Carglass

Digital Business Strategy

Carglass is the best-known and most advanced windshield repair and replace company for vehicles. The company has a long relationship with In The Pocket after we did a Discovery Track with Carglass four years ago.

The challenge




At that time, Carglass came with a specific mobile app demand to In The Pocket, which we reformulated during our workshops. By challenging their original question and rescoping from actual needs, Carglass was able to improve its internal system.

Four years later, we joined forces for a second Discovery Track. Carglass wanted to improve the digital experience for its customers. Not an easy task, since the company is already very innovative and customer centric.

The Discovery Track

In total we did three workshops with Carglass, in which we analyzed how we can make the customer journey of the users as smooth as possible. Customers can make an appointment with Carglass through multiple channels: online, over the phone or in a Carglass Center.

At the end of the Discovery Track Carglass had a collection of concepts that can be implemented in the near and far future.

Our approach

Workshop 1: From Customer Journey to Empathy Map

In a first workshop we created an Empathy Map, where we try to understand the customer’s mindset. The goal is to create a shared understanding which helps future (design) decision making. To do this, we look at the emotions that people have during certain steps in the Customer Journey. On this basis, we started ideating and ended up with more than a hundred possible ideas that we have mapped onto the buyer personas.

Workshop 2: Prioritisation, from first ideas to concepts

With the longlist of ideas in mind, we started bundling a few concepts and ranked them by relevance. We ended up with 7 concepts and checked how relevant they were for each persona. In The Pocket used this output to visualize the concepts, which made it easier to communicate them.

Workshop 3: The fine-tuning

Finally, in a third workshop, we reviewed the concepts to see whether adjustments were needed. With these innovative concepts, Carglass started internal and external validation, and started on the roll-out of one of the first concepts.

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