Summer Academy teams up with Link in de Kabel
After a long year of living in remoteness, we’ve got some news that has us shaking with excitement. Summer Academy is back! To make up for last year’s silence, we’ll make sure this edition counts double.
A new Summer Academy naturally calls for a new challenge so we’re even more excited to announce Link in de Kabel as this year’s partner of Summer Academy ‘21!
This summer, 12 young graduates will once again bring everything to the table to tackle a 4-day design & development challenge in the fourth edition of Summer Academy. After previous collaborations with partners like Refu Interim, VRT and Bednet, this year’s challenge comes from an organisation that teaches digital skills to youngsters: Link in de Kabel.
Link in de Kabel has been combating the digital divide among socially vulnerable children and young people for over 20 years. They don’t see digital skills and media literacy as an end in themselves, but rather as means to social progress and a weapon in the fight against poverty.
In essence, they aim to build bridges towards social inclusion by making socially vulnerable children and young people digitally skilled and resilient.

Together we’ve defined the following challenge: “How can we leverage the potential of digital products for children & youngsters on the autism spectrum?”.
Globally, it is estimated that 1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder. Because of the way they relate to their surroundings, they often feel overwhelmed. This is where technology can support them and reduce stress levels.
Twelve fresh graduates will give everything they’ve got to tackle this challenge. During four days, our coaches will guide them through the process of understanding, exploring and building digital solutions. And because practice is the best teacher, they’ll have to prototype and pitch their most impactful solution for Link in de Kabel.
That’s what Summer Academy is all about: a crash course in digital product building with a meaningful impact, while also kickstarting your career.
Are you up for the challenge? Register now!