Holy Shift, we're back on air!

Michiel Dheedene
Content Creator

Next week, Studio Shift returns to the playground of In The Pocket at Dok Noord. From October 19th to 21st, plenty of buzzing names will pass by for the micro, from local legends to international tech gurus. And to spice up the programs about the latest tech and trends, we’ll spoil you with DJ sets and live performances.

Studio Shift 2.0

Making radio for three days in a row, from 19 to 21 October, live on the square at Dok Noord. That is the concept of Studio Shift in a nutshell. CEO Jeroen Lemaire explains:

“Studio Shift is made by and for digital professionals. Nowhere else will you get a more up-to-date look at the digital landscape, thanks to the passionate experts at In The Pocket.”

A solid line-up

We were able to enthuse many renowned speakers for the concept, from national business leaders to international champions in the digital sphere. Christian Van Thillo, CEO of DPG Media, comes for coffee and experts from, among others, IMEC, Itsme, NMBS, Kinepolis and Pinterest pass by. Also some resonating names within the scene such as Payal Arora and Jared Spool contribute in various program formats that will be featured during the radio event.

The comeback of the real thing

In addition to Studio Shift, we will once again blow life into the Shift boutique event on October 21 as the closing of the radio marathon. Once the red light of the studio fades out, we will continue the digital line at an exclusive physical event with speakers such as digital artist Dries Depoorter and tech analyst Benedict Evans. Are we excited? Yes. Should you be? Also, yes.

Tune in at Studio Shift or pass by our radio studio at Dok Noord! You can listen in via www.shift-21.com

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